Dynamic Island Pro – iOS 16 6.0

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Dynamic Island Pro - iOS 16 에 대한 설명

Dynamic Island Pro With iOS 16 Control Center - No Ads - Give Instant Settings

iPhone's Dynamic Island is not customizable, but with this dynamicSpot you can change interaction settings, select when to show or hide the dynamic spot / popup or which apps should appear.

As dynamicSpot uses Android's notification system, it is compatible with almost every app, like chat reply boxes, messaging notifications, timer apps and even music apps!

Just tap on the little black dynamic spot / popup to open the displayed app. Also, you can long click the small pill to remove the notification.

• ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE to display dynamic views.
• READ_NOTIFICATION read notification to show media control or notifications on Dynamic view.
• Bluetooth permission for earbuds and earpads

To enable "Dynamic Island" function, please allow Accessibility services. The service is only used to allow this app to draw on phone's home screen and status bar.

We don't collect any user personal data from mobile, all permission are only for application functionality to work.


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